Help Gaza and West Bank fight COVID 19 image

Help Gaza and West Bank fight COVID 19

Join PAMA efforts to provide needed supplies

$7,765 raised

$60,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Although it may seem like Covid-19 is no longer a threat to us, the majority of Palestinians are still facing difficulties brought on by the pandemic. During these uncertain times, Palestinians continue to struggle to get basic medical help.

Looking back at the statistics, during the past couple of years, Palestine had 2,765 confirmed cases of COVID-19 (at the time of the launch of this campaign) in the West Bank and Gaza. Palestine has seen a rapid increase in the number of cases since then. PAMA delivered $60,000 worth of medical supplies in May 2019, however, the challenge doesn't end here. We still need your help to send more supplies.

The COVID-19 situation has been alarming in Palestine, especially in the West Bank where PAMA delivered PPE supplies in May 2020.

We are communicating regularly with the Palestinian Ministry of Health to ensure we have the most up-to-date information regarding the spread of COVID-19 in Palestine.

As you know, Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Due to the population density and lack of adequate health care in the region, an outbreak in Gaza would be catastrophic. We need to take precautionary measures to control the spread of the virus.

Additionally, West Bank has shown an unprecedented increase in COVID-19 cases with the lack of supplies and resources the Palestinian frontline healthcare professionals need.

We at PAMA are committed to supporting Palestine throughout this crisis and we know that you are too. We have seen how, together, PAMA and its supporters can save lives and we know we can count on you to tackle this challenge with us.

We are in touch with Palestinian physicians who are on the frontlines dealing with COVID-19. Should the crisis worsen, they will be in dire need of protective equipment including masks, gowns, gloves, and antiseptics. They will also require ventilators and antiviral medication to treat critical cases. Your donations will be used to purchase these necessary medical supplies.

We pray for the health and safety of everyone during this crisis. We share your worries for the citizens of Palestine and the rest of the world.

*PAMA will do its best to use your donation for the project of your choice, however, in certain cases, PAMA might use it where it's needed most